The vision for this website is to encourage the saints of God to be all He has created them to be- Mountain Movers, Giant Slayers, More than Conquerors through Him that loves us, none other than Jesus Christ, Our Savior, Our Friend.
Mt. Everest is the highest mountain on earth at 29,029 feet. The Mariana’s Trench is the deepest place on earth at 36,070 feet. Imagine if you will, cutting Everest off at its base and setting it in the Mariana’s Trench. You would still have 7,041 feet of salt water above it, over a mile of salt water. I don’t think it was by chance that Jesus refers to His children in Matthew 5:13 as the “salt” of the earth. I believe He wants us to see ourselves the same way He sees us, as greater than any mountain we face with the indisputable authority in Him to remove any mountain that rises against us (Mark 11:22-24).
When the children of Israel went in to spy out the land of Canaan they saw the giants but they also saw themselves as grasshoppers (Numbers 13:33). God saw them as giant slayers, they saw themselves as some defenseless bug that didn’t have a chance against a giant.
The victorious Christian life is not about what we do for Him (all of our “cans’ and “cant’s”, “do’s” and dont’s”) but what He did for us. When He died on that cross He sealed Satan’s fate for all eternity and set us free to be all He says we are in Him.
Come join me on this journey of discovering who we really are in Christ. By His Grace and for His Glory (HG) we will succeed.